The Gobabeb Namib Research Institute is one of science's best-kept secrets: a remote field institute embedded in one of the world's most interesting deserts - the Namib. My association with Gobabeb stretches back for nearly forty years, from the time I was a Research Officer at the University of Cape Town, to most recently a residency as a Fulbright Scholar.

iI have produced several documentary format series to highlight the fascinating people who come through Gobabeb and their work.

What's Happening at Gobabeb?

What's happening at Gobabeb? is a series of short interviews with resident and visiting researchers and students to help spread the news about the fascinating work being done there.

Conversations about Gobabeb

The Gobabeb Namib Research Institute has a fascinating history and unique culture that should be told. When I had the opportunity, I would sit down with people who could tell their stories about Gobabeb's history and its culture.